Oakridge Board of Directors July 8, 2024 - Regular Meeting

Oakridge Board of Directors July 8, 2024 - Regular Meeting - 6:00 p.m. Agenda Link: https://5il.co/2qllv

Oakridge Board of Directors

July 8, 2024 - Regular Meeting - 6:00 p.m.

• Regular School Board Meeting In-Person or Virtual Click the link to join the Zoom Webinar https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84307709245?pwd=cE9UYTdCL0M0TGVMbXRCdEZ5a0pUdz09

• Listen by phone: +1 346 248 7799 Webinar ID: 843 0770 9245 Passcode: 900272

The Board values community engagement and recognizes the importance of public input. Community members are required to sign up for public comment and are encouraged to submit written public comment by noon the day of the scheduled meeting.

Please follow this link to sign up for public comment https://forms.gle/5Fot1fQEYAWJcwHy5.

Please submit your public comment to osdcomments@ohswarriors.net.


1. Call Meeting to Order

2. Changes or additions to the Agenda

3. Announcements/Correspondence

4. Public Comment

(Personnel complaints will not be heard at Regular Board Meetings. Individuals with concerns regarding personnel should follow the Complaint Procedure Policy. Complaint information is available on the District website.)

5. Action Items

5.1 Consent Agenda (Action)

5.2 Approve 24-25 Budget Hearing Minutes-June 10, 2024 (Action)

5.3 Adopt Resolution 25-01 Levying Tax Rate (Action)

5.4 Donation of one used Wrestling Mat to Triangle Lake School District and discarding one Wrestling Mat (Action)

5.5 District Yard Sale – Miscellaneous Furniture (Action)

6. Information/Reports

6.1 Superintendent Report Superintendent Dave McGrath

6.2 Strategic Planning Update Superintendent Dave McGrath

6.3 FMLA, PLO, OFLA Update Shaelyn Heidecker, Payroll Manager

7. Unfinished Business

7.1 Policies (1st Read/Action)

• Policy EBBB

• Policy GCBDA/GDBDA Family Medical Leave

• Policy GCBDA/GDBDA-AR (1) Family Medical Leave

• Policy EFA – Local Wellness

• Policy IGBAF – Special Education (IEP)

• Policy IGBAF – AR – Special Education (IEP)

7. Next Meeting

Work Session: Strategic Planning - TBD

Regular Board Meeting – August 12, 2024 - 6:00 p.m.

8. Adjourn

The Board of Director meetings of Oakridge School District are held in accordance with Open Meeting Laws and with accessibility requirements. If an individual with a disability needs assistance in order to attend or participate in a meeting or discuss a matter with the superintendent, please call the district office at (541) 782-2813. Posted 7/3/2024