The Board values community engagement and recognizes the importance of public input. Community  members are required to sign up for public comment and are encouraged to submit written public comment by  noon the day of the scheduled meeting.  

Please follow this link to sign up for public comment https://forms.gle/5Fot1fQEYAWJ....  Please submit your public comment to osdcomments@ohswarriors.net.  

Regular Session  

Regular School Board Meeting  

Monday, February 8, 2021  

6:00 p.m. – Virtual Zoom Meeting (see link below)  

Please click the link below to join the meeting:  


Passcode: 711169  

Or Telephone:  

 Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):  

 US: +1 346 248 7799  

Webinar ID: 886 4615 5688  

Passcode: 711169  


A. Approval of Work Session minutes December 28, 2020, Work Session January 4, 2021, Regular Board  Meeting minutes January 11, 2021, Work Session minutes January 25, 2021  

B. Announcements/Correspondence (Information Only)  

1. Public Comment Complaint against the Board  

2. Budget Committee Member Vacancy, 2021-22 Budget  

3. Investigative Report Concerning Complaint against the Superintendent  

C. Review Expenditures for December – General Funds/Special Funds/OSD Bond – Peggy Mahla  

D. Reports (Discussion)  

 1. LESD Local Service Plan - Tony Scurto, LESD Superintendent 

2. Superintendent Report – Superintendent Doland  

 3. Food Service – Ashley Kirkhart  

 4. OJSH Report – Greg Chapman  

RSSL Plan for Hybrid Learning  

 5. OES Report – Peter Iten  

RSSL Plan for Hybrid Learning  

6. Special Programs – Dr. Chad Harrison  

E. Unfinished Business  

 1. Policy BDDH-Public Comment Revisions (1st read)  


F. New Business  

1. Resolution 20-07 Classified Employee Appreciation Week (Action)  

2. Lane ESD 2019-21 Local Service Plan Year Three (Action) 

3. OSEA MOU-Employee Safety During the COVID Pandemic (Action)  

4. OSEA MOU-Employee Retirement Provisions (Action)  


G. Personnel  

 1. Employment Recommendation(s) (Action)  


Andrea Bray, OES Office Manager, 8 or 10 hours (Effective January 27, 2021)  

 Extra Duty  

Kristen Rosenblum, OJSH Teacher of Record Science (Effective September 15, 2020)   Eva Martin, Special Education Case Manager with Caseload above 25 (Effective September 15,   2020)  

Karen Hale, Special Education Case Manager with Caseload above 25 (Effective September 15,   2020)  

Ron Hebert, OHS Cross Country Head Coach (Effective February 2021)  

Gary Jackson, OHS Football Assistant Coach (Effective February 2021)   

Kierra Killingbeck, OHS Volleyball Assistant Coach (Effective February 2021)   

Dang Nguyen, OJS Volleyball Assistant Coach (Effective February 2021)   

Mark Osborn, OJH Football Head Coach (Effective February 2021)  

Allison Williams, OHS Volleyball Head Coach (Effective February 2021) 

Ray Yarbrough, OHS Football Head Coach (Effective February 2021)  

Robeart Chrisman, OHS Baseball Head Coach (Effective April 2021)  

David Gordon, OHS Softball Head Coach (Effective April 2021)  

Sheila Keller, OJH Track Coach (Effective April 2021)  

Marcia Mason, OHS Softball Assistant Coach (Effective April 2021)  

Ed Mooneyhan, OHS Baseball Assistant Coach (Effective April 2021)   

Dan Peck, OHS Golf Coach (Effective April 2021)  

Don Jackson, OHS Wrestling Coach (Effective May 2021)  

Gary Jackson, OHS Wrestling Assistant Coach (Effective May 2021)  

Mark Osborn, OJH Boys Basketball Head Coach (Effective May 2021)   

Bryan Williams, OJS Wrestling Coach (Effective May 2021)  

Andrea Bray, OES Sub Caller (Effective January 27, 2021)  


2. Request to Retire (Action)  


Dan Fischer, OES/OJSH Teacher 8 hour (Effective April 1, 2021)  

Jack Skordahl, Alternative Education Teacher 8 hour (Effective July 1, 2021)  

3. Employee Resignation(s) (Action)  


Ray Yarbrough, CTE Teacher 8 hour (Effective 03/19/2021)  


Jen Bacus, OES Office Manager, 8 or 10 hours (Effective January 22, 2021)   

Andrea Bray, OJSH Secretary, 8 or 10 hours (Effective January 26, 2021  Extra Duty  

Kaylee Peck, OJH Girls Basketball Assistant Coach (Effective January 22, 2021)  

Ron Hebert, OHS Track Head Coach (Effective January 20, 2021) 

I. Public Comment - (Personnel complaints will not be heard at Regular Board Meetings. Individuals with  concerns regarding personnel should follow the Complaint Procedure Policy. Complaint information is  available on the District website.)  

J. Executive Session pursuant to ORS 192.660(2)(b) to consider the dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear  complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent  who does not request an open hearing. 

Executive Session Pursuant to ORS 192.660 (2)(i) Review and evaluate the employment-related   performance of the chief executive officer of any public body, a public officer, employee or staff   member, unless the person whose performance is being reviewed and evaluated requests an open   hearing.  

Members of the media may contact Jayme Martin at jmartin@ohswarriors.net for login information to access the  Executive Session link in accordance with ORS 192.660(4) and  ORS 332.061(2) by noon the day of the scheduled meeting.  

K. Future Agenda Items  

1. Next Regular School Board Meeting, March 8, 2021 6:00 p.m., Virtual Zoom Meeting  2. Board Work Session TBD  

L. Adjourn 

The Board of Director meetings of Oakridge School District are held in accordance with Open Meeting Laws and with accessibility requirements. If an  individual with a disability needs assistance in order to attend or participate in a meeting or discuss a matter with the superintendent, please call the district  office at 782-2813. Posted 02/03/2021